“Together, we strive to make a collective impact towards a better world, guided by the powerful aspiration set forth by the Sustainable Development Goals. Uniting Indonesian youth for SDG-driven change, locally and globally.”


“Together, we strive to make a collective impact towards a better world, guided by the powerful aspiration set forth by the Sustainable Development Goals. Uniting Indonesian youth for SDG-driven change, locally and globally.”

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International Youth Exchange & Conference (IYEC) #10 Chapter Malaysia-Vietnam

Be The Youth Horizon Starlit!

International Youth Exchange & Conference (IYEC) #10 Chapter Malaysia-Vietnam embodies the boundless potential of the youth, much like the infinite stars in the night sky. It focuses on the idea that young people, with their dreams and innovations, are the guiding stars leading us to a brighter, more promising future.

We hoped that this activity can be a catalyst in increasing the capacity and capability of youth, especially in honing Leadership, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving skills. Apart from that, this program also aims to strengthen youth networks and create opportunities for collaboration at both national and international levels.

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Action Youth #12 Ujung Kulon

Join us for Action Youth 12 in Ujung Kulon, where we come together to contribute towards the implementation of SDGs. Let's make a difference on the ground and advance sustainable development together.

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Youth Inter-Action Exploration#1 Korea

Join us for the Youth Inter-Action Exploration, an enriching exchange program to Korea where you'll delve into cross-cultural experiences while actively engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Join the transformative experience of IYEC#9 Chapter Singapura-Malaysia-Thailand, a dynamic conference and exchange event fostering cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration for sustainable development.

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Let's discover our programs!

Embark on a meaningful journey by joining Indonesian Youth Action (IYA) as a volunteer and become an integral part of our mission to create positive change locally and globally!

Program Action Youth merupakan kegiatan yang berperan strategis dengan  melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian, kerelawanan, dan kegiatan sosial untuk  melakukan perubahan dan pembangunan di wilayah 3T (Terdepan, Terluar dan  Tertinggal) dengan mempertahankan kearifan lokal. Action Youth telah berhasil  dilaksanakan delapan kali di daerah Labuan Bajo (NTT), Sabang (Aceh), Sebatik  (Kalimantan), Raja Ampat (Papua Barat), Sumba (NTT) dan Pulau Selayar  (Sulawesi Selatan), Lombok (NTB), Bromo (Jawa Timur) dan Banda Neira

Program International Youth Exchange and Conference (IYEC) merupakan  kegiatan exchange dan conference dengan tujuan sebagai wadah strategis bagi  calon pemimpin masa depan untuk meraih pemahaman tentang ide dan tindakan  nyata yang diperlukan untuk menjadi agen perubahan di masa depan kelak.  International Youth Exchange and Conference (IYEC) telah sukses  diselenggarakan beberapa kali, yaitu IYEC #1 hingga #7 yang berlokasi di Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, Jepang dan Turki

Program Inter-Action Exploration (YIAE) merupakan program yang berfokus pada kolaborasi dengan berbagai kampus di Negara tujuan, sehingga peserta dapat lebih mendalam memehami aspek-aspek kunci yang menjadi ciri khas Negara tersebut. Memperdalam wawasan pemuda terkait budaya, kesehatan, pendidikan, dan nilai-nilai Negara tujuan, serta membekali pemuda dengan pengalaman praktis dan keterampilan yang di butuhkan. Mendukung SDM yang berwawasan global, memiliki soft skills, dan siap bersaing di tingkat Internasional.

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